“Stephanie Velez has a deep compassion for her NextHome clients after her own journey to find her perfect, forever home”

Riding the emotional home buying roller coaster

Being a REALTOR and trying to buy your own dream house is a real trip! But, I’m glad I could reintroduce myself to all those crazy feelings that buyers feel. I experienced all those nail-biting moments: Did they accept our offer? Is this or that going to happen? Did the sellers do this?

I am definitely more empathetic to people after our own experience. 

What started it all was last fall we saw interest rates plummet. We had moved around Southern California with my husband’s ministry and were renting. 

We felt it was the right time to buy a house. 

Surprise, we didn’t get the first house we put an offer on. And you know what? It didn’t break my heart.

Realizing that we were settling, my husband and I put a list together of all the things we needed to have. An awesome driveway and garage was a must. It couldn’t be some three-story townhouse. We had lived that life and were over it. I didn’t want carpeting on the bottom floor. I had to have a big, beautiful Roman tub. Oh, how I love to soak!

We prayed on that list and stuck it on the refrigerator to remind us not to settle. 

One day this house in Ontario came up and I thought, hmmmm Ontario? It intrigued me. 

We get to this place and we are like, this is everything! It was a neighborhood filled with little houses with the little trees. The house was tucked away, but had this huge green space in front. We wanted a yard, but here we didn’t have to pay for it! Then, we go around the back and there is this long driveway that leads to a detached garage. There was another driveway that leads to the side gate. It’s the most unique style I have ever seen and I have been doing this for 22 years now. 

So we went into the home and I was blown away. The house was humongous. It had 12-foot ceilings. Real hardwood flooring on the first floor. An open floor plan. When you look to the side the house has a beautiful yard that was professionally designed. Absolutely gorgeous. 

I mean, we couldn’t believe it.

We knew we needed this house. 

Then, when the tenant introduced herself, that’s when the miracles began. Her name was Stephanie, just like me. We hit it off right away. She gives me a call later that night saying, “My husband and I talked and we really want you to have this house and we are going to let the owner know that!”

Then, we waited. A little bit later, I get a call from Stephanie and she asks if we got the house. Well, no, I replied. We haven’t heard back yet. She then gives me the phone number of a second agent who was working on the sale and tells me to call her. 

With a little trepidation, I picked up the phone and called that agent. She answers and says, “Oh, we are going over your offer right now in front of the owner.”

You better believe that I made my best case for how well we would care for the home and how perfect it was for us. 

They said they were going to counter. 

That was fine with me. We agreed with everything in the counter – but then didn’t hear back. Finally, at 8:30 at night I called. 

“Oh honey don’t worry,” the agent said when she picked up the phone. “The owner said ‘pick the pastors’. I’ll send you all the paperwork in the morning.”

It’s hard to explain how thrilled we were. The reality of buying a home in this market is crazy. Just to even be picked is amazing. Then to actually get our dream house! Sometimes we may forget what an emotional thing home buying is. I completely understand the worry and anxiety that buyers face – and the unbelievable joy that comes when what you want works out!

We are so blessed. I love going home. I love making the mortgage payment. When I write that check, I feel joy.


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Stephanie Velez

Stephanie Velez is a Full Time Real Estate Broker and the owner of NextHome Champion Elite Realty.

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